Monday 31 October 2011

10 steps to. Future you.

From the works of some great thinkers.

Steven r covi.
Seven habits of bigot effective people..

Laurence kholberg
Books on how we shoot outseleves in the foot..

Karl Hopkins.
Alumni of college ND course.
Investor in young businesses.

1. Proactivity.
2. Stimulus -> response.

Stimulus -> choice -> response.

Expand sphere or influence.
Inthat will be family friends peers in studios.

Internal environment - current area of circle of influence
Micro do have some influence but wishes to expand on more and more.
Macro environment -

2. Project.
you should project a vision of yourself in the future.

End in mind from beginning

3. Provide.

Demonstrate your skills and clearly show them off. Don't use shorthand..

4. Prioritise

5. Presents
Really effecicr is done by getting stuff from other people that benefitsthem just as much as it benefits you.. Win win situation.

Give them something
Time/ advice / insight.
When you want that favour they won't say no.

Karl gives a lot once a week sets himself a business environment..

Free business advice from a successful person
What karl was looking for was young businesses.
Enable him to find business to invest him..

Kholbergs theory.
Pre conventional

. I want
. Talk about what they want
. Child
.Nobody listens
.short term.
. Why should I


. I would be happy to help you.
. your needs.
. I understand

Post conventional.

They think about the larger society . who wants to effect communities.

They see themselves as a practice . not an individual. They are macro environment.

6. Pause.
Pause to listen - give all your attention..
Listen in a way you havnt listened Before.

Make a practice of listening.
Put yourself in their shoes.
When youre in trouble you expect someone to listen completely.

7. proven.
They deliver a certain quality of performance every single time..
The experience/ associations with the brand is consistent , reliable.

8. Partner.

Hollywood model (business)

Every film is a project.
Avatar. Takes 1000 of people to come together for a shirt time.
All of crew were free lance.

9. Pit stop.
No longer possible to come out of uni with a degree and go onto a lifetime of progress and success.

Everything is changing so fast
Take the time to aqquire new skills improve new skills.
Never stop learning new skills.

10. Propel

.Extrude confidence.
Don't apologise for yourself.
Just say what you are be proud with what you're acheieving.

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