Wednesday 7 March 2012

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Simon Cherry
Before this module I found the idea of starting up a business extremely daunting. It felt as if I had to learn a whole different language. Words such as PEST and SWOT we're not in vocabulary previous this module. I had envied previous graduates such as Tom and Olly who went on to start up a very successful design agency named Catalogue but could never dream of me even going close to that territory.
But this module really opened my eyes to what can really happen post graduation. Some of the strengths in my work include thourough  research and contacting studios and agencies in a professional manner.  One of the crucial parts of being a graphic designer is that constant and professional contact with clients. Another crucial part of working as a professional graphic designer is the ability to work as a team. Although we were all very capable, we found ourselves not being committed to time schedules and action plans. This was basically down to poor time management and lack of contact. There were very brief moments where we kicked ourselves into gear and got tons of work completed. Our strengths as a group include allocating tasks for one another and thourough research . My personal strength would be the branding and deciding on the philosophy and ethos of the agency. This included USP and strong visuals.

Another weak point of the module was the presentation. The lack of visuals made it so the audience were losing interest and were overwhelmed by facts and figures. We also went over by a few minutes which let us down.

The main thing we should focus on in the future (if we were to carry on forward with "Fourth Wall") is our time management and making sure we had consistent
How would you grade yourself on the following areas: 
5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor
Attendance -5
Punctuality -4
Motivation - 4
Commitment -3
Quantity of work produced -3
Quality of work produced - 4
Contribution to group -3

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